For this assignment, you will use the results from your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Strong Interest Inventory (SII) assessments to determine some particular occupations and majors to research.
MBTI Report
1. List your reported type. (Example: ESTJ) ISFJ
2. According to your report, what are some of the characteristics that best describe your personality type? Organized, patient, efficient, practical, helpful
3. Refer to the list of the 50 most popular occupations page or go to Read the list of occupations, circle the ones that you would like to explore, and list them below.
Physical therapist, biomedical engineer, occupational therapist, speech-language pathologist, technical writer, marriage and family therapist, medical and public health social worker, school psychologist, physician assistant, registered nurse, lab technician, radiologic tech
4. How do you believe the occupations you have chosen to explore fit with your personality preferences? Explain how these occupations allow you to work in your preferred work environment.
All my choices provide practical help to others, and serve the needs of others.
They are mostly all financially sound and stable.
Some of the choices may not be the best fit because they don’t allow a lot of time for family and friends.
They will allow me to feel a sense of belonging and care and support among my coworkers.
SII Report
1. List your general occupational theme code. (Example EAS)
2. List your 5 Basic Interests Scales and determine what type of interest they represent from the following: vocational, educational, leisure activities, personal interest. (Examples might include: religion-personal interest, teaching-leisure, healthcare-vocational)
Religion-personal interest
Healthcare services- vocational
Teaching and education- educational, vocational
Medical science- educational, vocational
Taxes and accounting-leisure, personal interest
3. Refer to pages 5, 6, and 7 of your SII profile. Look at all the occupational scales you scored highest in (generally 40 or above), or that have a combination of your theme code. List the occupations from the scales that you might like to research.
Registered nurse, social worker, physical therapist, rehab counselor, foreign language teacher, LPN, translator, University Professor, Respiratory therapist, radiologic technologist
4. For the following questions refer to Personal Style Scales on page 8 of your SII profile.
A. Look at your “Work Style” rating. What does your score suggest to you in relation to the occupations you listed above?
I prefer a balance of working alone and working with people. Teaching and translating may be too much working with people, and not enough working alone. I think that radiologic technician might be the one with the best balance in this area.
B. Look at your “Learning Environment” rating. How do the educational requirements of the occupations you listed fit with your interest to pursue additional training?
I am interested in continuing my education for another 2-4 years. This matches well with the occupations I am interested in.
C. Look at your “Leadership Style” rating. How do these occupations fit your personal style?
Teaching doesn’t match well with this. Health care does.
D. Look at your “Risk Taking/Adventure” rating. Explain how the occupations do or do not match your risk taking style.
Health care occupations match very well with my risk taking style. I may be comfortable taking some risks.
4. What college majors are suggested for your theme code that you find interesting?
Nursing, dental hygiene, social work, counseling
6. Of your top 10 occupations, list 3 you are most interested in and the educational
preparation required for each.
Social Worker- Bachelors/Masters degree
Registered Nurse- Associates/Bachelor’s Degree
Chiropractor- Doctor of Chiropractic
Occupations not listed on MBTI or SII
1. List any occupations you are interested in that were not listed on your MBTI or SII reports.
Meet with a Career Counselor at CACC
1. Make an appointment to review your assessment reports with a career counselor in Career and Academic Counseling (LC402 or contact by phone: 801-863-8425).
2. List any comments or suggestions made by the counselor regarding selection of a career or major and/or your assessment results.
He suggested that I think outside of the box, and combine different interests to create a unique career. He also suggested that I be sure that I choose a career that has a work environment I feel comfortable in.
3. Write the name of the counselor you met with and the date of your appointment.
Name___Terry L. Gunn___ Date____3-23-11________________
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