Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Updated Personal Action Plan

• Camilla Dinkins
• Personal Action Plan
• CLSS 2100
• 04/20/11
Meet with a Pre-Nursing Advisor and get more information about the nursing program.
Meet with a Respiratory Therapy Advisor and get more information about the RT program.
Meet with the Radiology advisor and get more info on the Weber State Radiology Tech program.
Apply the decision making models I have learned in CLSS 2100 and decide which program to apply for.
Enroll in prerequisites to my chosen program for Fall 2011.
Plan what courses I will take each semester until graduation.
Write at least 4 articles per week to make extra money during the summer.
Apply for financial/tuition assistance through DWS.
FALL 2011
Work hard and get all A’s in my pre-requisite classes.
Explore specific occupations within the career field I have chosen.
Do some Networking in my career field.
Write one article per week.
Apply for Scholarships
Work hard and get all A’s in my pre-requisite classes
Take any necessary pre-application testing.
Apply for the school and the program I have chosen.
Apply for financial aid and scholarships.
Meet with my advisor to make sure I have done all I need to do.
Register for Fall 2012 classes.
Write one article per week to earn some money.
Take any remaining prerequisite classes necessary.
Plan my courses for the next four semesters.
Write 1-4 articles per week, depending on school enrollment.
FALL 2012
Begin Program for my chosen major.
Study hard and get good grades!
Apply for scholarships.
Continue working on my program.
Keep studying hard and getting good grades.
Apply for a Summer Internship.
Do an internship.
Write 4 articles per week.
FALL 2013
Continue working on my program.
Keep studying hard and getting good grades.
Start looking for options for a job after graduation.
Continue working on my program.
Keep studying hard and getting good grades.
Create a Resume.
Attend Career Fairs and meet potential employers in person.
Apply for a job.

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